Hardware Guide

The board is provided with:

  • NXP MKL26Z microprocessor
  • NXP MK20DX128VFM5 microprocessor
  • Microchip RN2483 Module
  • Light Sensor
  • Reset button
  • Wake-up button
  • NXP FXOS8700CQR1 Accelerometer and Magnetometer sensor
  • LEDs which one is used directly by KL26Z

The Microchip RN2483 module provides LoRaWAN™ protocol connectivity using a simple UART interface. The NXP MKLS26Z is connected to the Microchip modules using the configuration 57600 8N1 without using RTS, CTS lines. Last version used is 1.0.1.

The Light Sensor is read from the ADC converter peripheral of the MKL26Z.

The Accelerometer sensor is read from I2C interface.

The microcontroller uses the deep sleep mode VLPS, it is waken up by LPTimer every 30 seconds or by pin interrupt connected to the S2 button.

Configuration RN2483

The connection used by RN2483 is ABP (Activation by Personalization). To use this connection it is required to setup the RN device only one time. Every Lora Sensor Node bought is already configured. The commands used were:

sys factoryRESET
sys get hweui
mac set deveui [hweui key read]
mac set devaddr [last less significant hexs of hweui key]
mac set appskey AFBECD56473829100192837465FAEBDC
mac set nwkskey [hweui key repeated two times]
mac save

After saving this setup is not required repeat the opeation of setup. In order to send data in the Lora network the two used commands are:

  • mac join abp: used to join the Lora network
  • mac tx cnf 4 18AABBCC48DD0000: used to send the frame “18AABBCC48DD0000” on the port 4

Datasheet and more

Please refer to Avnet Silica website.